What Sellers Should Know About the Business Buying Journey

Out of approximately 15 prospective business buyers, only one will successfully purchase a business. This statistic highlights the importance for potential sellers to understand the challenges buyers face on their journey to becoming business owners. This is particularly relevant for those who founded their own businesses or may have forgotten the obstacles they overcame before making their own purchase.

For an employed prospective buyer, the decision to leave a steady job and transition into business ownership is a significant one. It involves not only stepping into an entrepreneurial role but also making a substantial financial commitment. Buyers must secure the necessary funds, which often includes taking on loans to finalize the purchase. Additionally, the new owner typically needs to negotiate or assume a lease, adding to their financial obligations—most of which require personal guarantees.

Beyond the financial aspects, aspiring business owners must take a “leap of faith.” This transition often demands balancing family and personal responsibilities with the time-intensive demands of running a business, especially in the early stages.

Potential buyers must carefully evaluate both the risks and rewards of business ownership. At the same time, sellers should strive to see the process from the buyer’s perspective. Engaging the expertise of a professional business broker or intermediary can provide valuable guidance, helping both parties weigh the advantages and challenges of the transaction.